Send us pictures and videos of the plushies you made from our tutorials, questions, comments, concerns, requests, and anything else you can think of. ~_^

{ 10 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Hi
    I am a big fan. I decided to make my own pattern of a Goomba. Would you mind if I sent you a picture of my completed Goomba plushie ? I'm pretty pleased with how it came out.


    1. OMG HI! Yes, I would love to see what you made. Please send it to my email ok. Can't wait to hear from you.

  2. can i send you templates to my lastest projects the plushes turn out alot like the official plushes that where made in other stores in diffrent stores

  3. Can you make a tutorial for a chibi doll of each member of Grojband? If you don't know what that is, it's ok. There are a lot of people love Grojband and would appreciate it if they could learn how to make their own plushies. Here's a picture of the four members of GB:

  4. Hi ,i discovered your blog and youtube channel a few days ago and i have to say your are so sweet and talented i love all of your vids and creations especially the tokidoki plushies tutorials cuz i'm a huge fun and i was wondering if you could make a video tutorial on how to make a tokidoki unicorno, i know it's kinda diffucult but if you can it would be amazing ,cuz lot of us love unicornos and it would be so great to be able to make our own unicorno plushie ,anyways keep up the good job, kisses from Greece :)

  5. hi. I am a big fan.
    I have made a long bookmark that can fit in any normal sized book and since I love animals, I made the bookmark as a (flat) wolf-bookmark.
    I would love to send you word-document of template of the wolf-bookmark and also, I would love to share the picture of the finished bookmark.
    can i send you the document of both through your email?
    I can send you the separate word document of the tutorial as well if you wish.....

  6. Me puedes mandar moldes para el peluche de snorlax porfa :3

  7. I just stumbled upon your youtube tutorials and they brought me a lot of joy. Thank you <3

  8. Hi! I saw your video about ending stiches while I was looking for ways to find a lost needle. I have watcged some of your videos and the content you make is really heartwarming. You really made my day today. Looking forward to more posts:))


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