How to Make a Charmander Pokemon plushie tutorial
By : UnknownHow to make a plushie tutorial : Charmander Pokemon
How to make a plushie : This weeks plushie tutorial is on a Charmander Pokemon from Nintendo. In Pokemon Red and Blue, Charmander was one of the starter Pokemon you are able to choose along with Bulbasaur and Squirtle. Charmander remains to be one of my all time fave of the original cast of 151 Pokemon.
Charmander is a fire type Pokemon that evolves into Charmeleon and then finally into Charizard. It is found in Kanto town of Pokemon Red and Blue. I always thought he resembled a dragon very much and took a liking to him rather quickly. Especially in its final form, it has such a powerful presence with its wings and fire breathing capabilities.
There are so many Pokemon now compared to the original 151. Keep sending in those request so we can have more polls on which is next to add to the Pokedex. This Charmander might be a little tricky because of the tail but please don't hesitate to message me if you run into trouble. Have fun making this! ^_^ Hugz!!
How to Make a Snorlax Pokemon plushie tutorial
By : UnknownHow to make a plushie tutorial : Snorlax Pokemon
How to make a plushie : This weeks plushie tutorial is on a Snorlax Pokemon from Nintendo. Seems like Snorlax can be found sleeping at the worst possible locations! He is still very kawaii and snuggly though. Time to make your very own and snuggle up for a nice warm nap. Send me any questions and comments. Have fun making this, hugz!
Snorlax evolves from Munchlax and was first seen on the early Pokemon games sleeping about in the town of Kanto blocking the path of the player. The player must wake this Pokemon up first before being able to battle it. I thought he looked so adorable and peaceful. Kind of reminded me of Totoro when he slept. So making him into a plush would mean being able to snuggle with him. I couldn't resist!
Pokemon are so cute and theres so many of them. This Snorlax is not that hard to make and feel free to use a different color felt. I couldn't get a more teal like color which more closely resembles what Snorlax's true color, but blue works fine.
How to Make a tokidoki Ciao Ciao plushie tutorial
By : UnknownHow to make a plushie tutorial : tokidoki Ciao Ciao

How to make a plushie : This weeks plushie tutorial is of Ciao Ciao from tokidoki. The companion of Adios, shes a kawaii skull head girl! I saw her the other day and just had to make her. Tokidoki has so many amazing characters and more will be coming. Do you like Ciao Ciao? Any other tokidoki plushies u want?
Part of the Til Death Do Us Part tokidoki collection, Ciao Ciao is the girlfriend of condemned to Earth Adios. They live together with their cats Skeletrino and Skeletrina. Not entirely good but not entirely bad either, they go around the world helping people live their lives to the fullest.
The template was modified to make it easier to sew Ciao Ciao. She will be bigger than the one I made in the tutorial for this reason. However she will still look the same. I did not sew on her name on her dress. You may do so by either cutting felt letters out or using back stitching to create them from thread. The details on the face can also be done with small pieces of felt instead of using back stitching. Use whatever method is easiest for you. Enjoy!
How to Make a Luna Coin Felt Pouch Tutorial
By : UnknownHow to make a Coin Pouch tutorial : Luna from Sailor Moon
How to make a Coin Pouch : This weeks tutorial is of a Luna from the Sailor Moon anime and manga. A kawaii kitty cat of Usagi with a crescent moon on her forehead. Her head is stuffed like a plush and her body is the pouch. Take her along with you while she carries your change or other small items inside of her Velcro seal-able pouch.
Sailor Moon is a popular anime and manga series that has been around for a good while. And Luna is one of my favorite characters of the series. She is such an adorable kitty and is perfect for making a plush or plush related items with. I really wanted to make something Sailor Moon related because a whole new series is in production and should be out sometime this year.
As with a lot of my other tutorials, you do not need to sew everything on. The entire face of Luna can be glued on instead of being sewn on if that is what you prefer. Stuffing the head is also entirely optional. Feel free to place the tail anywhere you want. Remember this is YOUR project and you can do what ever you want! Hope you enjoy this, please message me for any questions. Hugz!
How to Make a Sakura Mochi plushie tutorial
By : UnknownHow to make a plushie tutorial : Sakura Mochi
How to make a plushie : This weeks plushie tutorial is of a kawaii Sakura Mochi, a traditional Wagashi Japanese sweet treat. It's a rice cake filled with red bean paste and wrapped with a cherry blossom leaf.
How to make a plushie : This weeks plushie tutorial is of a kawaii Sakura Mochi, a traditional Wagashi Japanese sweet treat. It's a rice cake filled with red bean paste and wrapped with a cherry blossom leaf.
If you have never tried one of these yummy treats, zomg you have to go out and look for them ASAP! I love the many different colors they come in and they are just so sweet. This plush can be made in any color and the leaf can have as much detail or as little as you want to put on it.
First plush tutorial of 2014 and it's a very cute and simple one to follow. Make a ton of these little things and create an army of Sakura Mochi friends to take over the world with. Oh gosh the sweetness involved with that take over! Hope you enjoy this, please message me for any questions. Hugz!
How to Make a Kawaii Rudolph Reindeer plushie tutorial
By : UnknownHow to make a plushie tutorial : Kawaii Rudolph Reindeer
How to make a plushie : This weeks plushie tutorial is of a kawaii Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Simple gift or ornament, this holiday make him for anything you want. Easily add a ribbon to hang him up or place him inside the box of a present for a little extra surprise! Excellent as a last minute gift idea. ;)
As the end of the year comes quicker and quicker, some may find themselves at that last minute right before th holidays without a gift to give. This little Rudolph is simple and quick to make. He is cute and is just perfect for the holiday.
If he is not going to be a gift, easily turn him into a key chain or ornament by adding ribbons, string, or key rings. You don't even need to sew on the pieces. Using glue can make this little project even quicker to finish! Enjoy your holidays! ^_^
How to make a plushie : This weeks plushie tutorial is of a kawaii Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Simple gift or ornament, this holiday make him for anything you want. Easily add a ribbon to hang him up or place him inside the box of a present for a little extra surprise! Excellent as a last minute gift idea. ;)
As the end of the year comes quicker and quicker, some may find themselves at that last minute right before th holidays without a gift to give. This little Rudolph is simple and quick to make. He is cute and is just perfect for the holiday.
If he is not going to be a gift, easily turn him into a key chain or ornament by adding ribbons, string, or key rings. You don't even need to sew on the pieces. Using glue can make this little project even quicker to finish! Enjoy your holidays! ^_^
How to Make a Snow Hello Kitty ornament plushie tutorial
By : UnknownHow to make a plushie tutorial : Snow Hello Kitty ornament
How to make a plushie : This weeks plushie tutorial is of Hello Kitty snowman from Sanrio. This holiday make a kawaii ornament for hanging with Hello Kitty. Make one as a gift or decorate your tree with. This is part of a holiday collab with the following youtubers:
Why have just a snowman ornament when you slap some kawaii-ness on it and make it a Snow Hello Kitty? Make it with all sorts of color schemes and don't be afraid to experiment! Try not to make her to big as you don't want her being too heavy for a tree branch.
Nearly all parts of this plush can be glued on. So, choose what is best for you and start making these to decorate your home or someone else's home by gifting it to them. Hugz, do send me any question or comments. Get creative and Enjoy your holiday season. ^_^
How to Make a Buru Buru Dog Ornament plushie tutorial
By : UnknownHow to make a plushie tutorial : Buru Buru Dog Ornament
How to make a plushie : This weeks plushie tutorial is of Buru Buru Dog from San-X. This holiday make a kawaii ornament for hanging with Buru Buru Dog. The poor trembling dog is always scared but will be brave to look cute for you while holding a little treat. Make one as a gift or decorate your tree with. This is a collab tutorial with my BFF Aiko Miyoko from the HapyFirendsShoppe. You can view her tutorial here.
Buru Buru Dog was released before 2000 and his tail changes color. When scared his tail will be blue and when showing love, his tail will be pink. He loves polka do underwear and is oh so darn cute! Don't you just wanna hug this poor trembling thing and calm him down?
You can use glue to hold the paws together and for keeping the tip of the hat drooping over his face. Also, he doesn't necessarily need to be holding candy canes. Get creative and Enjoy your holiday season. ^_^
How to Make an Adventure Time Flame Princess plushie tutorial
By : UnknownHow to make a plushie tutorial : Adventure Time Flame Princess
How to make a plushie : This weeks plushie tutorial is of the Flame Princess from the Adventure Time animated series. As if kissing Finn wasn't cool enough, she is made of fire and I just think that is so awesome! I lover her design and concept. She is adorable and literally HOT. LOL Sew your very own Flame Princess but don't get burned.
Because of her hair, the Flame Princess ended up having a larger than usual head then my other plushies. The trimming on her dress can be glued on rather than sewed on to make it easier to assemble. Feel free to use different colors to better match your preference of what the Flame Princess should look like.
That Kiss between the Flame Princess and Finn!! OMG lol Now you can relive it again and again in plushie form. Don't forget to make Finn so she won't be lonely. Finn's tutorial can be found here. Always have fun making these and do message me with any questions. Enjoy!